Dialog is the best way to resolve Yemen issues: President Saleh

SANA’A, Jan.10 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh has called on all political parties to hold a serious national dialog in order to end violence and protecting the public peacefulness.In an interview with the UAE-run Abu Dhabi satellite channel, President Saleh said that the dialog is the best way to resolve several issues.”We have called all political parties for a serious and responsible dialog without using violence and power”, highlighted Saleh, hoping that the year 2010 will be a year of stability, security and peace in Yemen.President Saleh confirmed that al-Houthi rebels and members of al-Qaeda could participate in the dialog if they surrendered their weapons and gave up violence and terrorism. “We are ready to talk with any person who gives up violence and terrorism. But if al-Qaeda or al-Houthis continued sabotage and terrorist acts, we will pursue them because they don’t pose only threat to Yemen’s security but also to the regional and international peace and security, in particular from al-Qaeda organization”, Saleh explained.Saleh pointed out that his country faces several challenges, including al-Qaeda threats al-Houthis rebellion in the north, separatists in the south and retrogressive economic conditions, hoping the new year will be a year of peace and security in Yemen and the region if all political parties responded the dialog in order to get a united language to serve Yemen. “Our security forces achieved good victories in hunting al-Qaeda members in Abyan, Shabwah and Sana’a provinces. We will work together to face these challenges, in particular al-Qaeda and al-Houthis”, said the President.Saleh expressed his confidence that many Yemenis in the southern parts of the country are keen to keep the united Yemen.MD/YASaba