Expatriates call president Saleh to interfere changing US decision on Qat addicts

SANA’A, April 20 (Saba) – Yemeni emigrants in the United States of America called on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to interfere to convince US embassy in Yemen to cancel its decision denying Yemeni Qat addicts visas. US embassy in Yemen recently issued decision banning any person (approved medically having Qat substance in his blood) to immigrate to the United States, justifying that Qat contains substances categorized by US concerned center as drugs. In a letter they extended to President Saleh from America, emigrants called on Saleh to summon US ambassador for discussing the decision for possible canceling it, citing that Yemeni law does not banning Qat consuming, noting that all Yemeni emigrants in the United States are adhering to US law banning Qat consuming in the American land. They said that the decision would be “reflected negatively on national economy and deny many to follow their families”. Minister of Expatriate Affairs Saleh Sumei would hold a meeting with US consul here for discussing Yemeni expatriate’s affairs in the United States. MS/MS Saba