FM conveys President’s letter to Sultan of Oman

SANA’A, June 25 (Saba) – Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi headed on Friday for the Sultanate of Oman, carrying a letter from President Ali Abdullah Saleh to Sultan Qaboos bin Said. In a statement to Saba, al-Qribi made it clear that the letter deals with bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and ways of boosting them, in addition to the regional and international developments. He pointed out that he would attend the Foreign Ministers’ meeting to be held in Libya next Sunday to prepare for the first meeting of the Committee of Five at the presidential level, mandated by the Arab Summit to supervise the preparation of the document to develop the joint Arab work system. Al-Qirbi indicated that President Saleh would partake in the meeting that would start next Monday, noting that the Committee of Five includes in its membership Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Qatar and Iraq. The Yemeni initiative to develop the joint Arab work as well as the Libyan vision and the proposals from a number of Arab countries are the foundations and pillars for the development of joint Arab work towards the establishment of the Arab Union, al-Qirbi explained. He noted that the meetings of the Committee of Five comes as a prelude to hold a special summit to be held under the decision of Surt Summit in October 2010 and would consider the document to develop the joint Arab work, which would be submitted by the Committee. BA Saba