FM hands over presidential letter to Kuwaiti Emir

KUWAIT, Jan. 27 (Saba) – Emir Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait has received here a letter from President Ali Abdullah Saleh on the brotherly bilateral relations.The letter was handed over by Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, who visited Kuwait leading the Yemeni side in the Yemeni-Kuwaiti Ministerial Committee meeting concluded in the on Wednesday.Al-Qirbi talked with the Kuwaiti Emir on the last developments in Yemen and the government’s efforts to tackle the challenges facing Yemen, as well as the president’s call to all parties for dialogue to address all issues.The Foreign Minister briefed the Kuwaiti Emir on the results of the Yemeni-Kuwaiti Ministerial Committee, affirming the joint keenness on enhancing the cooperation relations and the coordination aspects between Yemen and Kuwait.Al-Sabah reiterated the Kuwaiti firm attitude to support Yemen’s unity, security and stability, accenting that Kuwait and all GCC states would spare no effort to prop up the development in Yemen.AF/AF