Information Minister: Saleh’s stand in Doha summits based on national interest

SANA’A, March 31 (Saba)- Spoke person of the government, Minister of Information Hasan al-Lawzi affirmed on Tuesday that stand of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the Arab summit was clear and based on Arab and national interest in the nation’s issues. In the weekly press conference, al-Lawzi said that Yemen was hopeful Doha summit be the Arab union summit, specially after Yemen proposal was approved by the Arab Parliament and referred to the Doha summit. “This proposal will ever be ongoing and vital for Yemen as it aims at improving the Arab League to a full and complete structure,” he said. As for security situation, al-Lawzi affirmed that local and security authorities in Abyan governorate have achieved remarkable progress in tracking down on law-breakers. He noted that the Interior Ministry has issued a list of 154 security wanted people linked to al-Qaeda, affirming that security forces are exerting efforts to implement the plan of chasing those people. As for Saada, he said that the state is concerned to reinforce peace in the governorate and there are efforts exerted by the local authorities and security systems in this regard, noting that peace is being built step by step in Saada. The minister renewed denial of the cabinet of what was published by Addiyar paper, and other papers, of false information on the existence of disputes in the Yemeni government. He affirmed that the government will not only deny these rumors but will sue the paper, noting that there are some people who claim to be journalists who cannot differentiate between the false and real journalistic work. AM/AM Saba