Massive rally in Sana’a backs President Saleh’s initiative

SANA’A, March 01 (Saba) – Hundreds of thousands of citizens gathered on Tuesday at Tahrir Saquare in the Capital Sana’a backing up President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s initiative for continuing dialog in order to prepare a comprehensive national dialog, rejecting all forms of chaos, vandalism and violence. The rally emphasized the need to strengthen the national alignment in order to preserve security, stability and public interests as well as supporting principles of the national and constitutional legitimacy. The march, attended by State Minister and Capital Mayor Abdul-Rahman al-Akwa’a , a number of parliamentarians ,members of Shura Council and leaders of political parties and organizations carried the national flags and banners that strongly condemn chaos, violence and strife, stressing the importance of cooperation in all efforts for the success of the comprehensive national dialog. The banners read “no to the makers of crises and agitators,” “no for troublemakers, regionalism and sectarianism,” ”with our blood we sacrifice ourselves for Yemen.” The participants in the march chanted slogans denouncing the acts of chaos, violence and destruction that happened in Aden governorate,rejecting the return to the Imamate and separation eras and stressed they will remain faithful to the principles of the revolution, unit and democracy. HAAM Saba