Outgoing EU Foreign Policy chief writes President Saleh

SANA’A,Dec.05(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Saturday a letter from the outgoing European Union foreign policy chief, Javier Solana. In his letter, Solana expressed his thanks and appreciation for the support and cooperation he received from President Saleh during his tenure. “It was a pleasure and honor for me to work with Your Excellency for developing the bilateral relations, as the EU is a key partner for your country”, Solana said. He pointed that with the Lisbon Treaty entering into force in Europe; a strong base has been established upon which the EU has become more qualified to work for peace and prosperity in the world. “For me, I will keep working to achieve that goal”, Solana affirmed. After 10 years as EU foreign policy chief, Javier Solana leaves his post on Tuesday to be replaced by Baroness Catherine Ashton.BASaba