PGC leaders call president Saleh to go back on his decision

ADEN, Dec. 17 (Saba)- People’s General Congress (PGC) 7th Conference continues its work sessions in Aden city. President Ali Abdullah
Saleh chaired the PGC work sessions.
The Assembly discussed the PGC report and documents presented by concerned committee of the PGC.
The participants listened to the PGC report presented by a committee formed on Friday to discuss the political program of the party.
The PGC leaders called President Ali Abdullah Saleh to go back on his decision in which he said that he will not to nominate for another
presidential term in the presidential elections to be held next year .
The draft affirmed importance of democracy to realize human rights and real partnership in the political and social life as well as
underlinedimportance of activating the role of local council in the economic, social and cultural development.
Fighting corruption, sustainable development, stability, economy, the parliamentary, local council and presidential elections are of the
main issues which have been discussed in the conference.
The conference would come out with significant recommendations help the government to continue the implementation of the political,
economicand administratative reform program.