PM: president’s visit to India to enhance mutual ties

SANA’A March 10 (Saba) – Prime Minister Ali Mujawar said that the coming visit of President Ali Abdullah Saleh to India would contribute to enhance friendship ties between Yemen and India in political, economic and cultural fields. During his meeting with Indian deputy foreign minister and head of the Indian side in the joint Yemeni-Indian committee being convened currently in Sana’a, Mujawar indicated to the importance of focusing the talks of the joint committee on means of developing joint actions between the two countries in economic and investment aspects and following up agreements between the two sides. Mujawar also indicated to the wide opportunities for the Indian investors in oil, minerals, fisheries and tourism sectors in Yemen, urging the committee to study possibilities of setting up a joint council for Yemeni-Indian businessman. For his part, the Indian official conveyed regards of the Indian prime minister to Mujawar, affirming joint concern to extend horizons of the cooperation between the two countries in various fields. He pointed out to the commitment of the Indian government to offer care for Yemeni investment in India and encourage Yemeni and Indian private sector to set joint investments in various fields. AH/AF Saba