President arrives in Doha

p align=”left”>DOHA, March 29 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh arrived on Sunday evening in Doha capital of Qatar to participate in the Arab summit that would be begin on Monday. President Saleh was welcomed by the Amir of Qatar Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani and other top Qatari officials. Upon his arrival, president Saleh stated to reporters Yemen would present its view over means of developing joint Arab work by setting up Arab Union to face current challenges facing the nation. President Saleh pointed out that there are key issues that should be discussed in the summit in the top of which are the Palestinian issue in order to realize Palestinian -Palestinian conciliation and threats against security and sovereignty of Sudan especially decision against Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir which revealed double standard of international justice. He said that Israeli criminals who committed crimes against Palestinian peoples in Gaza are still far from hand of this justice. President Saleh re-called for bring these criminals into justice. He also called Arab leaders to support the Somali government to rebuild its corporation and achieve peace and security in the African country, wishing success for the summit. AHAH Saba