President delivers speech on Eid Al-Fitr

SANA’A, Nov. 2 (Saba)- In his speech to the nation on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Wednesday that the Islam rejects all forms of extremism, which has not relations with principles of Islam and humanity.

President Saleh said that the Islam is religion of justice, mercy and tolerance, adding that the world now suffering from terrorism and its impacts on the peace, security and stability.

“Terrorism has not religion or nationality. It is international epidemic in all countries,” he said.
He called on the international community to gather efforts to rout out this epidemic.

President Saleh said that Yemen has adopted democracy early to realize justice, freedom and women’s participation, and to protect human rights.
He called on all to strengthen the democratic reality in the country through benefiting from previous experiences in order to pass negatives and reach wonderful future.

He affirmed that Yemen would go ahead in its democracy and protect press freedom.

He indicated to the current situation in the Arab and international arenas, wishing the coming extraordinary Islamic summit in Saudi Arabia next December would establish strong foundations to change the current situation of the nation to reach hopes of the Islamic peoples.