President hails national attitudes of Radfan, Adhale’ citizens

SANA’A, May 24 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Sunday with a number of members of local councils, dignitaries, revolutionist fighters and youth in Radfan district and Adhale’. He discussed with them issues concerning citizens in these areas. The president welcomed the gathering saying:” We welcome citizens of these heroine areas. We have known them revolutionists and free who revolted against occupation, against injustice and against Emamite. They fought in many locations defending Yemeni blessed revolutions (the 26th of September and the 14th of October).” He added “we are sure you are at your obligation as loyal to September and October revolutions and loyal to norms of the 22nd of May.” Any way, the president said, any family or house in any area are not free from incidents or discord voices but we understand that any discord voices may rise in any area of these districts. They do not represent Radfan and Adhale’ citizens. “Any fault must be corrected by individuals from inside the family. Radfan’s citizens are who will right any faults could exist without involving in clashes with security forces and police,” he said. He added that all Adhale’ citizens are more powerful to do so and able to face outlaws because they understand that these elements harm their struggle and their martyrs. The president directed local authority and government to respond to people’s needs in these areas by carrying out developmental and service projects and give them priority in the forthcoming development plan. He touched measures taken by the government to cure situations of retirees and military men who leave their jobs. He indicated that the government has spent YR 52 billion to solve these issues. “Now, we have new recruitment, our citizens are the guardians of the unity. We will leave the tank, the canon and the machine gun and leave the unity guardians to face all issues,” said Saleh. A number of attendants from people of Radfan and Adhale’ congratulated the president on the 19th anniversary of Yemen’s Reunification and condemned all voices harming the unity and homeland’s security. They said these voices do not represent people of southern and eastern governorates, affirming that they will defend the unity and will deter any one tries to harm it and they will also deter those few subversive elements. MA Saba