President heads meeting of cabinet

SANA’A March 05(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh headed on Thursday a meeting for the cabinet, briefing the cabinet on results of his visits to Syria, Russia, Tajikistan and Indonesia. President Saleh listened to reports of the prime minister and ministers over performance of the cabinet during the period of 2007-2008 and tasks that the cabinet should achieve in coming period 2009-2010. He affirmed importance of carrying out economic policies to develop the economy and create jobs as well as going ahead with economic, financial and administrative reforms. He pointed out to the agreement between the parties to extend term of the current parliament and delay elections for two year in order to make constitutional amendments to develop electoral system of the nation. The president also affirmed importance of coordination between concerned bodies to boost educational system in the country in order to response to the needs of the development. He affirmed importance of activating sectors of agriculture, tourism telecommunication and fisheries wealth, asking to do continuing evaluation for national strategy of combating poverty and unemployment. President Saleh also asked to set up higher media council, which includes representatives from all concerned bodies to achieve transparency in media bodies. He asked the cabinet to determine a deadline to do its tasks, highlighting achievements of the government during the previous period. The president affirmed important role of the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption to do its role affectively in combating sources of corruption, asking the government to hold meeting with governors per three month to discuss obstacles facing the development projects and plans at central and local levels. The cabinet praised outcomes of the visits of president Saleh to Syria, Russia, Tajikistan and Indonesia to serve national interests and enhance mutual cooperation with these countries. The cabinet approved to form a committee to tackle problems associated with the implementing strategy of electricity and other committee to study issues related to educational system in the country. AH Saba