President inaugurates development projects in Mahra

GHEIDHA, May 29(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh inaugurated Monday in Mahra governorate the important strategic road which links
Saihootdistrict with Nashtoon district at a length of 162 km.
The cost of the project was estimated at Yrs 11.2 billion. The road connects the governorate with the other Yemeni governorates and Yemen
with theneighboring Arab countries via the coastline.
President Saleh also inaugurated Saihoot Fishery Company where he listened to a brief explanation of the contents of the company by its manager Mohammed Khaudam.
The project costs USD 1.5 million.
He also laid foundation stones for the projects of unloading station and marine cable affiliate in Gheidha, which connects Yemen with the
outsideworld by Filaj net at a cost of Yrs 3.5 billion.
President also inaugurated a station of Yemen Mobile in the governorate.

On this occasion, president expressed great pleasure for such significant achievements which Yemen witnesses in the era of the
Yemeni Unity.
He said that a large number of people would benefit from such strategic projects which help in raising the local and economic
development. He made it clear that the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is working hard to improve the Yemeni economy in order to integrate with the Gulf region, saying that that Yemen is also aspiring to be
an active member in theGulf states.
He also paid visits to a number of districts in the governorate and listened to citizens needs and requirements.