President opens new facilities of Military Hospital in Sana’a

SANA’A May 25 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh along with Vice President Abduh Raboh Mansor Hadi opened on Monday new facilities at the Military Hospital in Sana’a The new facilities were supplied with modern equipment to contribute to offer good health services in the nation. President Saleh visited different sections of the hospital including the surgical center and unit of extensive care. Then, president Saleh attended a ceremony organized on the occasion of opening these facilities, delivering a speech in which he pointed out to the concern of the political leadership for the military institution as it is doing the duty of maintaining the security and stability of the nation. He affirmed there is no development without security and stability, pointing out to the importance of qualification of the health cadres in the hospital and good maintenance for the equipment in order to offer high quality health services. President ordered to finalize al-Qotn hospital in Hadramout governorate as soon as possible to offer health services to the armed and security forces as well as citizens in the region. It should be ready by end of 2009, he said. He also highlighted efforts of the military institution in providing health services for the citizens, especially poor people, saying that the hard work doctors would be rewarded President Saleh said no need for treatment abroad, if there is a good quality health services in the country, AH Saba