President opens projects in al-Shaheir

MUKALLA May 31 (Saba) -The President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid here a visit to al-Shaher city and launched and laid foundation stones for many vital projects in the city where he was welcomed by the top officials of the governorate and great numbers of the citizens.

During the visit, president Saleh launched the first phase of the finishing port project and in al-Shaher city and opened also the al-Shaher Public Hospital as well as laying foundation stone of starting work in the secondphase of the fishing port.
The second phase of the project would be located at 12 thousands meters quires and length of 350 meters in addition to the others
contained ofthe project like refrigerator its capacity worth 5000 tons in addition to market for buy fishes.
He paid laid a foundation stone of the al-Shaher 4 km Cornish project with a total cost of YR 83 million.
Afterward, president Saleh attended a ceremony was hold on occasion Saleh’s visit to the city and launching many public and developmental
projects in the top of which the al-Shaher hospital that includes 150 beds and supplied with modern apparatuses in various specializations.
In the ceremony, president Saleh expressed his comfort of launching the great medical project that would serve the citizens of the
al-Shaher andthe neighboring districts.