President receives phone call from Palestinian PM

TAIZ, May 10(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Wednesday a phone call from Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Hanyya.

During the call, Hanyya briefed president Saleh on the latest developments in the Palestinian territories and dialogue between Fatah and Hamas movements.

He also informed president Saleh on the agreement between the two movements to adopt the dialogue concept and understanding to resolve all the disputes.

Hanyya called on president Saleh to urge the international community society for offering urgent assistances for the Palestinian people who are suffering from Israeli blockade.

He said that more than 160 thousand employees have not their salaries since three months, pointing to the economic and humanity suffering.

For his part, president Saleh assured the importance of keeping on the efforts to last the dialogue among the Palestinian political factions in order to avoid all the disagreements.

President Saleh expressed his fears from risk of directing the Palestinian gun to the Palestinian body because that would serve the enemy.

He pointed out that the Palestinian government has to work to every body there with out apartheid.

He also called on brothers and international community to sent urgent aid for the Palestinian people to reduce its suffering.