President returns back to Sana’a

SANA’A, Jun. 3(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh returned back to Sana’aafter visits to the governorates of Dhamar, Ibb, Taiz, Hudeidah, Raimah,Aden and Hadramout.

In his tour, president asked listened to issues and situations of thecitizens, shared them their ceremonies of 16th anniversary of Unity Day.He also opened and laid down foundations stones for a
number of serviceand development projects.

In Mukalla city, Hadramout governorate, president Saleh held a meetingwith the Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, the head of the Saudiside in the 17th round of the Yemeni-Saudi Coordination
Council, and discussedwith him aspects of the fraternal relations, in addition to fields ofmutual cooperation between the two countries on the light of the resultsof the 17th round which was ended June 2 in Mukalla.

President Saleh conveyed prince Sultan greetings to the King of SaudiArabia Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz , and wished him and the Saudi governmentand people more progress and welfare.