President Saleh arrives in Tripoli

TRIPOLI, July 8 (Saba)-President Ali Abdullah Saleh arrived on Saturday in Tripoli International Airport in an official visit to Libya. He was welcomed by a member of Libyan historical leadership, Mustafa al-Kharobi,Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison & InternationalCooperation Abdul-Rahman Shalgam and other top Libyan officials as wellas Yemeni ambassador to Tripoli Hussein Ali Hassan. An official welcome was held for president Saleh in headquarters of Libyanleadership in Tripoli city where he was received by Libyan Leader Muammaral-Qadhafi. Upon his arrival, president Saleh told reporters that visit came in responseto an invitation of the Libyan leader to discuss means of enhancing bilateralrelations between the two countries and issues of common concern. He said that he would hold talks with the Libyan leader on aspects ofthe cooperation between the two countries and the latest developmentsin the region. The talks would deal with efforts of strengthening Arab solidarity andoffering support for Palestinian people to face Israeli aggression andthe situations in Iraq, Somalia and Sudan, he said. AH/AH SABA