President Saleh attends mass rally after Friday’s prayers

SANA’A, April, 01 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended on Friday a mass rally supporting the constitutional legitimacy as millions of citizens gathered calling for Yemen’s unity, stability and security, in addition to President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s initiatives for national dialogue as well as rejecting all kinds of anarchistic acts and coup upon constitutional legitimacy. President Saleh addressed the rally promising he would sacrifice with all what is precious for the sake of the great Yemeni people. President Saleh said “I will not respond to any person but I hope that their speech, the opposition, be prudent and without irresponsible utterances.” The participants carried banners which read “no for the makers of crisis and agitators”, “no for sedition, no for troublemakers,no for regionalism, no for sectarianism”, ”with our blood we sacrifice ourselves for Yemen.” They also carried President Saleh’s photos and Yemen’s flag. The participants chanted slogans strongly condemning the speech of the opposition parties and their coup on conditional legitimacy,democracy, freedom and agreements and rejecting national dialogue. They condemned the acts of sabotage that occurred in Marib province by the opposition parties in which they prevented the arrival of gas and oil derivatives trucks as well as attacking power stations. The crowds also condemned the speech of the JMP on President Ali Abdullah Saleh who is regarded as a symbol of the homeland as he was elected by the people, expressing any jumping on President Saleh is jumping for the Yemeni people’s will who elected him. HAAM Saba