President Saleh calls for responsible national dialogue

SANA’A, May 21 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh called on all different political parties and civil society organizations for a responsible national dialogue, affirming it is the best way to address all issues of concern to the country.In his speech on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of Yemen’s Unity Day, President Saleh said that the unity was achieved to end those disasters and bring freedom, democracy, security and safety.”In light of separation our people suffered from bloody catastrophes and conflicts either between the two parts or inside each part of the homeland”, Saleh made it clear.Saleh confirmed that Yemeni unity will always remain and forever the illuminating candle and light of hope for Yemeni people and the Arab nation, pointing to that those who have narrow visions would not harm the homeland and would fail as they did in the past.”I would like to reassure everyone that there are no worries or concerns about the homeland and its safety. Unity is as steady and solid as the mountains. It was achieved to remain forever because it is protected by the will of God and all sincere Yemenis and the support of brothers and friends”, he said.”Yemen with its unity has become strong, stable, prosperous and a vital element for the security, stability and peace of the region”, the President highlighted.”This year’s celebrations on this precious national occasion come in light of critical circumstances and big challenges at the national, regional and international levels. On top of these are the economic circumstances resulted by the world financial crisis in light of the reduction of world oil prices in addition to the decline of Yemen’s oil production and the rise of population growth percentage. In addition to the regretful events resulted by acts of riots, sabotage and banditry carried out by some elements who breach the constitution and law”.The President explained that those saboteurs tried to harm the security and safety of the homeland, create seditions and spread out a culture based on hatred, animosity, separation and racism in a desperate attempt to reset history in the homeland before the 26th of September revolution in 1962 the 14th of October 1963 and the 22nd of May 1990 and create obstacles to hinder development efforts.”However, our people and their political, social and cultural organizations and constitutional institutions would confront any one who attempts to harm the people’s revolution, republican regime, unity and democracy”, he said.President Saleh reviewed other local issues as well as international and regional developments in his following speech:IN THE NAME OF GOD, MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFULDear Fellow Citizens in Yemen and abroadAs we celebrate the 19th. anniversary of the national day of the Republic of Yemen and achievement of the blessed unity, it is my pleasure to extend to you my best greetings and congratulations on this dear national occasion which coincides with the birth day of the new Yemen of unity, freedom, democracy, development and comprehensive development and progress.Unity is a strategic and historic accomplishment and a great fruit resulted by the struggle of the people and sacrifices of the homeland’s martyrs.Unity has embodied in reality goals and principles of the 26th of September and 14th. of October revolutions and aspirations of the Yemeni people to rid of eras of imamate, colonialism as well as their aspirations for the sake of a better future.In light of separation our people suffered from bloody catastrophes and conflicts either between the two parts or inside each part of the homeland.Unity was achieved to end those disasters and bring freedom, democracy, security and safety.Since then citizens enjoyed freedom, security and safety of their lives, families and properties.Yemen with its unity has become strong, stable, prosperous and a vital element for the security, stability and peace of the region.Dear Fellow CitizensThis year’s celebrations on this precious national occasion come in light of critical circumstances and big challenges at the national, regional and international levels.On top of these are the economic circumstances resulted by the world financial crisis in light of the reduction of world oil prices in addition to the decline of Yemen’s oil production and the rise of population growth percentage.In addition to the regretful events resulted by acts of riots, sabotage and banditry carried out by some elements who breach the constitution and law.Those saboteurs tried to harm the security and safety of the homeland, create seditions and spread out a culture based on hatred, animosity, separation and racism in a desperate attempt to reset history in the homeland before the 26th.of September revolution in 1962 the 14th of October 1963 and the 22nd. Of May 1990 and create obstacles to hinder development efforts.However, our people and their political, social and cultural organizations and constitutional institutions would confront any one who attempts to harm the people’s revolution, republican regime, unity and democracy.I would like to reassure everyone that there are no worries or concerns about the homeland and its safety. Unity is as steady and solid as the mountains. It was achieved to remain forever because it is protected by the will of God and all sincere Yemenis and the support of brothers and friends.Yemeni unity will always remain and forever the illuminating candle and light of hope for our people and the Arab nation. Those who have narrow visions would not harm the homeland and would fail as they did in the past.The achievement of unity means freedom, democracy, security, safety, stability, progress and prosperity for all citizens of the homeland, Unity is noble and greater than all little and narrow attempts based on self-interests, selfishness and corruption.On this occasion we call on all different political parties and civil society organizations at the national arena for a responsible national dialogue which is the best way to address all issues of concern to the homeland.No matter of differences on view-points they are acceptable as long as they remain within a peaceful framework and in accordance with the national consistent principles away from the use of violence and sabotage.We have given instructions to the concerned apparatuses of the government and local authorities to resolve issues of citizens through conferences of the local councils which would be held at the capitals of governorates as off the beginning of next June. The conferences would include all political activities, members of local councils, religious scholars, sheikhs, intellectuals, executive bureaus and civil society organizations without any exceptions.Fellow CitizensWe have many missions to accomplish during the coming period on top of which carrying out constitutional amendments to develop the political and electoral system and transfer to an expanded-authority local government system.In addition to the acceleration of efforts for construction and development and explore new non-oil revenues especially tourism, fisheries, industry, agriculture and minerals.Further incentives would be given to investors to encourage them establish productive projects that reduce unemployment rate and serve goals of development.During celebrations of this year’s national day, inauguration and laying down foundation stones for service and development projects at the cost of one trillion seven hundred and twenty nine billion riyal would take place including the Yemeni liquefied natural gas export from Marib via Belhaf port at the cost of over $ 5 billion.We direct the government to speed up the establishment of gas-producing laboratories for local consumption and to generate a new 3500 mega watt power.We also direct the government to continue the implementation of economic, financial and administrative reforms, fighting corruption in all its shapes and forms, making corrupts accountable and sending them to courts of law.The government should also give further attention and care for youths and young generations by protecting them and raising their awareness of values of national affiliation and loyalty.The government should also concentrate efforts on high quality technical and vocational education and reconsider the education policy in order to link outputs of education with development.Fellow CitizensOur political system is based on political pluralism democracy, Democracy will always be our way for construction and there would be no retreat from democracy no matter of negatives that are created by some people because of their misunderstanding of democracy.We urge every one to practise democracy in a responsible way, Democracy should not be used as a pretext to carry out seditions and spread out poisons in the society and harm the security and unity of the homeland.We also call on all political parties, organizations, civil society organizations and all political, social and cultural dignitaries in power and opposition for national consolidation in order to face all challenges and enhance ties of brotherhood, unity and national cohesion. The homeland belongs to everyone and needs efforts of its honest citizens without any exceptions.We also call on the official, party and national press to perform its national role under the umbrella of freedom and democracy for the sake of creating a healthy and sound awareness and spreading out a culture of love, brotherhood and cooperation in the society.Dear Fellow CitizensThe armed and security forces have achieved advanced strides in the process of their construction and cementing their defensive and security potentials. We value all big successes achieved by the defence and security institution namely maintaining security and stability and the fight against terrorism, crime, piracy and capturing those who violate the constitution, law and order.We will always provide full care for the personnel of this great national institution in recognition of their sacrifices and big national duties they render.Dear Fellow Citizens in the Arab and Islamic worldThe Arab status quo forces us to come out with a joint vision to protect the Arab national security and amend the Arab joint work system in response to aspirations of citizens of the Arab and Islamic nations.We in the Republic of Yemen will continue to serve issues of the Arab and Islamic nations and support all efforts that aim at enhancing solidarity and unity of rank in order to face challenges and dangers that threaten the nation.We would work to bolster our country’s relations with all brotherly and friendly countries in a way that would achieve common and mutual interests.In this regard, we praise the development of our country’s relations with the brotherly states of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the political and economic support they provide for the security and stability of Yemen.We highly value attitudes of brotherly and friendly countries supporting Yemen’s security, stability and national unity.We renew our support for the Palestinian people to restore its legitimate rights and establish its state on its national soil with Al-Quds (Jerusalem ) as its capital.We call on all Palestinian factions to abandon disputes and unify the rank in favour of the Palestinian issue.We renew our call to the international community to use pressure on Israel in order to end the blockade imposed on Palestinians in Gaza.We reiterate our continuous support for all efforts exerted for the sake of maintaining peace and stability in the brotherly Republic of Somalia.We also renew our solidarity and support for the brotherly Republic of Sudan for maintaining its security, stability, unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.We in the Republic of Yemen reiterate our continuous support for all international efforts exerted in the fight on terrorism which threatens international security and peace. Once again on this valuable national occasion I renew my best wishes and congratulations to you all.I ask Allah the Almighty to give mercy and forgiveness to martyrs of the homeland.Happy New ReturnsMay peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.YASaba