President Saleh confirms state’s interest in women

SANA’A, May 03 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh confirmed on Monday the State’s interest in women and to enable them to contribute to building the country and its progression. This came in his meeting with leaders of the Yemen Women Union (YWU), during which he was briefed on the union’s activities and programs to serve the women sector. Many issues of concern to women in Yemen were discussed in the meeting, among them those related to early marriage, increasing women’s political participation, training women leaders, the program of legal and social protection for women and the project of legal protection for children as well as improving the literacy of women. President Saleh affirmed the important role played by Yemen women in serving the country and the development process, noting to the place occupied by women in the society and they have honorable national positions. With regard to early marriage, President Saleh stressed that the law of God, above all, and the legislature should set the necessary controls for the safe marriage. Furthermore, President Saleh emphasized the role played by mothers and the family in general and in upbringing of their children and protecting them from falling into the clutches of extremism and terrorists, alluding to the role of YWU in serving Yemeni women’s issues. BA Saba