President Saleh denounces kidnapping foreigners

ADEN,(Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh met here on Sunday the former German diplomat Juergen Chrobog and his family who were freed on
Saturday after three days in custody in Shabwa.

Saleh congratulated the German diplomat and his family on the new year, mentioning the efforts exerted to get them free in peaceful way.

He assured that kidnapping “is irresponsible and inhumane practice all Yemeni people denounce it.

Saleh said, Yemenis ‘are hospitable and they respect their guests, pledging that the kidnappers would be punished.

He praised the Yemeni-German relations, confirming such ties would remain strong.

“Such kidnapping operations affect the reputation and economy of Yemen … we will eliminate kidnappings as we eradicated terror,” Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh told reporters after meeting the Chrobogs, appreciating the German grants to Yemen to support the development and democratic process.

For his part the German diplomat expressed thanks for the Yemeni government over peaceful ways adopted to get them free.

“We are sure that what happened would not affect our and German people’s love for Yemen,” said Chrobog.

During three days in captivity, we felt peace and we were sure our life will not be in danger, he added.