President Saleh has positive impact on Chadian-Sudanese problems: Mosa states

ANA’A, March 16 (Saba) – The Chad president’s envoy Abdul Rahman Mosa confirmed the President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s positive roles in solving problems existing between the Chad and Sudan. Upon his departure Sana’a on Sunday, Mosa said that President Saleh is the proper person to oversee the implementation of the agreement between Sudan and Chad due to his good relation with both countries. President Saleh has discussed aspects of relation between Yemen and Chad with the Chadian official, who conveyed a letter to President Saleh from Chad’s president. Worth mentioning, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and Chad President Idriss Deby have signed, on the sidelines of the Islamic Summit held recently in Dakar, a peace agreement aimed at ending five years of enmity between the two countries. MD/AF Saba