President Saleh invites Tunisian president to visit Yemen

TUNIS, April 01 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh sent on Tuesday a letter to Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali including an invitation to visit Yemen. The letter handed over to the Tunisian leader by foreign minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi also dealt with mutual cooperation between the two countries and the current situations in the regional arena and Yemeni efforts to heal the Palestinian rift. Ben Ali accepted the invitation, praising the good relations between the two countries. He affirmed his keenness on activating the cooperation agreement singed between the two countries. The Tunisian President valued the national efforts of President Saleh that aims at enhancing the Arab-Arab relations as well as his seeks to amend the Palestinian rift. Al-Qirbi is visiting Tunisia to chair the Yemeni side in the meetings of 10th Yemeni-Tunisian joint committee. TD/AF Saba