President Saleh meets ACFME commander

SANA’A June 18(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met here on Sunday with the commander of the American Central Forces in the Middle East (ACFME)John Abizaid.

In the meeting, they discussed aspects of the relations and fields of the cooperation between Yemen and the United States of America especially
in what is related the military field as training Yemeni coastguards and fighting terrorism.

They also discussed the latest international and regional developments of the common concern in the top of which the situation in Iraq, Somalia
and horn of Africa.

For his part, American commander highly appreciated the good level of the relations of the cooperation between the two friendly countries, pointing out Yemen’s efforts in field of fighting the terror and achieving the
regional stability in the region in the top
of which Yemen’s efforts to sponsoring the dialogue in Somalia to restore
the peace and stability in Somalia and horn of Africa.