President Saleh meets Hamas political bureau’s head

SANA’A, Mar. 20(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh along with vice-President Abdu Rabou Mansour Hadi met here on Monday with the delegation of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas headed by the Political Bureau head Khalid Meshaal who is currently visiting Yemen.

In the meeting, they discussed the latest developments on the Palestinian arena after the Hamas success in the late legislative elections. They also discussed the forming of new government, in addition to other topics related to the Palestinian cause to be included in the agenda of the coming Arab summit in Khartoum.

Saleh confirmed Yemen would continue supporting the Palestinian cause and Palestinians rights to have independent state and its capital al-Quds.
He underlined the necessity of respecting the Palestinian people’s will and choice, pointing out to the importance of offering moral and material support for the new Palestinian authority.

Saleh urged the new Palestinian government formed by Hamas to back up the peace process according to the Arab-Beirut 2002 Summit’s recommendations that got the Arab assent.

Meshaal expressed his thanks for the Yemeni people and its political leadership for brave attitude in supporting the Palestinian people.