President Saleh opens military academy’s museum

SANA’A, Nov. 29 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh opened on Tuesday the museum of the military academy.

The museum includes pictures and documents reflecting stages of development the academy since its establishment in 1919. The museum also includes rare pictures and historical documents on Yemeni revolution.

Meanwhile, President Saleh delivered a speech in front of the academy’s students in which he pointed out to the role of the academy since the revolution in serving national goals and unity.

He indicated to achievements and developments in field of military training by adopting new methods that cope with modern developments in the world.

President Saleh said the strife erupted in Saada province was intended to overthrow the democratic and republican regime and
re-establish the Imamate rule.

He appreciated role of the military and security forces in protecting the country’s security in air, and sea and land areas.