President Saleh orders to accelerate implementing new Sana’a airport project

SANA’A, Jan. 10 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh gave his directives on Thursday to speed up the implementation of the new Sana’a international airport. During his inspection visit to the location of the new airport, the president got acquainted with the implementation progress of the project and its constructional designs regarding the airport’s landing strip and its other facilities. He was also briefed on efforts exerted for carrying out the airport’s designs that would make it equals to the international airports. Saleh asserted the implementation of the airport according to the conditioned technical specifications as it is an important strategic project would serve the increasing traveler movements from and into Yemen. Worth mentioning, the new Sana’a international airport project is constructed on over 15 million square meters with a total cost of $500 million. MS/AF Saba