President Saleh phones Kuwait’s Amir

SANA’A, May 01 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh made on Sunday a phone call with Kuwait’s Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.In the phone call ,Saleh discussed with Al-Sabah the developments of situations in the region and efforts exerted by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries to resolve the current crisis in Yemen, as well as issues and topics that concern to the two countries .President Saleh expressed his appreciation for efforts made by the GCC countries to address the crisis in Yemen, affirming on the positive dealing with the GCC initiative and to be implanted as an integrated system without selectivity.He pointed to the challenges that target the Arab world through undermining security and stability of its countries and peoples, which calls for all to work to stand up to those who try to spread chaos that already started in a number of Arab states.For his part, Sheikh Al-Sabah confirmed Kuwait’s keenness on security, stability and unity of Yemen.HA/BA