President Saleh receives advisor of French president

PARIS, Nov 14 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Monday in Paris the advisor of French president Mr. Dumanike Pusheh.
During the meeting, they discussed the mutual cooperation between two countries and the horizons of bilateral partnership that serve the joint interests of the two countries.
They also reviewed the issues that president Saleh would discuss them with the French president.
They also exchanged views towrds the latest developments on the regional and international arenas, especially the situations in
Palestine, Iraq,Somalia and the African Horn.
President Saleh assured Yemen’s adherence to enhance its relations with France and supporting that relations in various fields.
He praised the growing up of the Yemeni- French relations and appreciating the French support for development in Yemen.
For his part the French official confirmed his country willingness to improve and develop its bilateral relations with Yemen.