President Saleh receives letter from UK PM

ADEN, Nov. 30 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received in here on Tuesday a letter from the British Prime Minister David Cameron, showing the UK support to a strong, stable and united Yemen.The letter was handed over to the President Ali Abdullah Saleh by UK Deputy of National Security Advisor Oliver Robbins and the envoy of the British Prime Minister David Cameron.In the letter, Cameron stressed the UK commitment to stand by Yemen and its efforts in counterterrorism and development areas either bilaterally or under the Yemen’s Friends Group.The UK Premier indicted to the long-term partnership between Yemen and Britain in security and stability fields, asserting the UK readiness to keep on presenting its assistance to Yemen in all areas and to strengthen its relations with Yemen in counterterrorism and development areas.Cameron congratulated President Saleh on the 43rd anniversary of the Evacuation Day on November 30, 1967, when the last British soldier has departed form Aden.President Saleh and Robbins discussed ways of enhancing the bilateral relations and areas of cooperation between the two friendly countries, particularly in fighting against terrorism.The UK Deputy of National Security Advisor praised the efforts made and sacrifices presented by Yemen in its fight against terrorism.HA/AF