President Saleh receives Palestinian FM

SANA’A May 1 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received here on
Mondaythe Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar who is
currently visitingYemen and conveyed Saleh greets of Palestinian
leader Abu Mazin andPrime Minister Ismail Heyniah.

During the meeting, al-Zahar informed Saleh on results his tour to
manyArab countries in addition to discussion over the latest current
developmentson the Palestinian territories in the light of
blockade imposed by theIsraeli occupation.

They also discussed suffering of Palestinian people due to shortage
ofthe food and medicines as well as available ways to offer the
requiredsupport for the Palestinian people to enhance its
struggling, especiallyin the current time.

President Saleh renewed the Yemeni attitude in supporting the Palestinian to get its just rights and setting its independent state on its national soil and its capital al-Quds al-Sharif, confirming the necessary of unification the Palestinian factions to avoid the enemy’s chance to break the Palestinian people’s unification.

He stressed importance of respecting the Palestinian people’s willing in their democracy to elect anyone to rule them.

For his part, al-Zahar expressed thank you for President Saleh and Yemeni people and government for their clear attitude in supporting the Palestinian people.