President Saleh receives telephone call from Somali President

SANA’A, March 18 ( Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received a telephone
conversation from President of Somalia Abdullah Yusef Ahmed.
The call focused on the latest developments in Somalia, and what have been achieved and implemented in the historical agreement of Aden, especially after the hold of Somali Parliament meeting for the first time in Somalia.
They have also reviewed efforts being exerted for rebuilding the governmental
institutions of Somalia.
The Somali president expressed his appreciation for President Saleh’s efforts and his stance that support and help Somalia restore peace in its territories and rebuilding its institutions. He also highly praised
Yemen’s efforts that get the international community respond to Somali issue and helped Somalia to overcome its difficulty.
President Saleh reaffirmed Yemen’s support for Somalia and its support for all efforts that led to rebuilding the governmental institutions in Somalia.
He also called international community to shoulder its responsibility and stand with Somalia and support Somali government efforts for prevailing peace, stability and security in Somalia to serve security, stability and peace in the region.