President Saleh releases 71 women prisoners

SANA’A, Mar. 8(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh gave his directives for releasing 71 women prisoners on the occasion of International Women’s Day. Saleh delivered a speech in the celebration of International Women’s Day, 8 March, in which he highlighted women’s vital role in the development process.
“The Republic of Yemen truly believes in woman’s role, her role is not lesser than the men role in developmental process.” Saleh said.

“Today Women has a pioneering position on the national and the worldwide level, due to her potentials and competent that qualified her for the highest political, economic, cultural and social positions .” Saleh added.
He also asserted that women’s role in Yemen becomes a essential part in the national work. Moreover, he made it clear that Yemeni legislation put into consideration the equality between men and women and laws of labor and social security guarantee the equality in wages , employment, education and vocational training.