President Saleh reviews efforts made in dialogue with JMPs

SANA’A, March 31 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh reviewed on Thursday efforts made by the political leadership in the long dialogues with the joint meeting parties (JMPs) to achieve a national reconciliation.This came during his meeting with sheikhs, social figures, local councils’ members and youth from Maghreb Ans district of Dhamar province, who flocked to the capital Sana’a to express their stable position towards the constitutional legitimacy and their rejection of violence and chaos.President Saleh welcomed the attendants and valued their national positions and keenness on the country and its unity, security and stability.”Your coming is a practical reply to the irresponsible speech of some parties in the JMPs, who climb on the efforts of youth and ordinary people”, said Saleh.The attendants called on the JMPs to respond to the call of dialogue ,as it is the best means to address all problems and crisis of the country.They stressed that there is only a single way to transfer power peacefully, which is through ballot boxes.BA