President Saleh talks with British official mutual cooperation

SANA’A, April 12 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met here on Thursday director of the Middle East and North African Affairs Department at the British Foreign Office Peter Gooderham. During the meeting, President Saleh talked with Gooderham on joint cooperation relations and means of boosting them. They discussed implementing pledges made in the donors conference held last November in the British capital London. The current regional and international developments of common interests were discussed in the meeting particularly the peace process in Middle East and situations in Palestine, Somalia and Iraq in addition to efforts of combating terrorism. Gooderham expressed congratulations on forming a new Yemeni government, affirming Britain’s adherence to enhance the ties of cooperation with Yemen in different fields. Gooderham praised Yemen’s success in terms of democracy, reforms and combating terrorism in addition to Yemen’s role to reach reconciliation in Somalia to serve security and stability in the region. YA/NS