President Saleh to send letter to Japanese premier

SANA’A, April 10 (Saba) – Planning and International Cooperation minister Abdul Karim al-Arhabi is to hand a letter from President Ali Abdullah Saleh to Japan’s premier Yasuo Fukuda. The weekly 26 September newspaper reported that the letter will deal with Yemen’s appreciation for the Japanese aid provided for development projects in the country as well as means of promoting cooperation ties. The official visit to Japan on 22-26 April comes amid the government’s efforts to mobilize more support to meet with the country’s future needs. Japan is one of the donor countries that provides $20 million annually for Yemen. Al-Arhabi will meet with senior Japanese officials at the Foreign Ministry as well as Japanese businessmen and investors to brief them on the current developments in the economic field in Yemen and present investment opportunities to be available before the Japanese companies. FR/FR Saba