President Saleh visits Belgian Parliament

BRUSSELS, Jan. 31 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid Thursday a visit to the headquarters of the Belgian parliament where he was welcomed by Speaker of the parliament Herman De Croo. President Saleh discussed with Croo aspects of mutual cooperation between Yemen and Belgium and means of enhancing cooperation in parliamentary affairs and fighting terrorism. President Saleh expressed deepest condolences for the Belgian people in killing of two Belgian female tourists in Doan district of Hadramout governorate recently by terrorists. He confirmed the people behind the attack would be sent to justice, calling for gathering international efforts for combating terror. President Saleh made it clear that the poverty and unemployment are good environments for terror. “Rich countries should offer assistance for developing and poor counties to overcome challenges of development and poverty”, said President Saleh. For her part, De Croo highlighted level of the friendly ties between Yemen and Belgium, affirming concern of her country to enhance its cooperation ties with Yemen, especially in economic and security arenas. She said that the recent terror incident would not impact on good relationship between the two countries, pointing out to support of Belgium for Yemen in combating terror. AH/YA Saba