President Saleh’s visit to KSA is significant: diplomat says

RIYADH, Feb. 23 (Saba) – Yemeni ambassador to Saudi Arabia Mohammed al-Ahwal described on Tuesday the visit of President Ali Abdullah Saleh to Saudi Arabia as significant.He told Saba that the visit is considered important due to it came after the President Saleh’s decision of stopping the military operations in the North-western area after al-Houthi acceptance of the government’s six conditions, he said.It also precedes the meetings of the Yemeni-Saudi Coordination Council set to be held next week.The visit also goes before the meetings of technical team in charge of following-up the implementation of the projects and the development needs of Yemen in addition to the meetings of the Yemeni-Gulf Technical Joint Committee that would be held next Saturday, al-Ahwal added.Al-Ahwal said that President Saleh would discuss with King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz AL Saud of Saudi Arabia the brotherly relations and mutual cooperation ties and means of enhancing them, as well as the international and regional issues of common concerns.He affirmed that Yemeni-Saudi relations are developing unremittingly in various areas, appreciating the Saudi support for the Yemeni development process.TD/AF