President sends letters to Lebanese President and Speaker

BEIRUT, Aug. 29 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh sent on Tuesday a letter to the Lebanese president Emile Lahoud dealt with Yemen’s fixed stance that support Lebanon. It also included congratulations on victory of the Lebanese resistance against the Zionist enemy. He also sent similar letter to the Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabeeh Bari. The letter was handed over by member of Shura Council Abdul-Maleek al-Makhlafi. Al-Makhlafi announced that president Saleh gave his orders for rebuilding Borj Alshamali village, in Soar region, south of Lebanon, where Lebanese live together with their Palestinian brothers. The project of rebuilding the village will be funded by a donation collected from Yemeni businessmen to support his electoral campaign for presidential elections. The two Lebanese officials appreciated the president’s and Yemeni people positionin supporting Lebanon and its resistance. They have also expressed their thanks president Saleh for his orders for rebuilding Lebanese village. AH/TN SABA