President visits Murran in Saada

Sada Oct 09 ( Saba )- President Ali Abdullah Saleh visited Murran area at Hidan District of Saada governorate. He was received and welcomed by the governor of Sada Yahya Muhammad ALshami, the generals of the army and security, Sheiks, masters, and the mass who hailed his visit to get acquainted with their needs, particularly after the sedition led by Hussein Badr Al deen AL Houthy and his father. After inspected the damages of the disturbance Saleh asked the concerned authorities to compensate the victims of disturbance. He also ordered the concerned authorities to implement diffreent infrastructure projects in Murran area like schools, electricity, water, transportations and health centers projects. He gave his directives for the implementation of AlJumah Bani Fadel road that will help people move from one area to another easily. President visited the place where AL Houthy and his followers stationed and fought the security men, and asked the local authority to apply the amnesty to all the persons involved in that sedition. He exchanged talks with Hidan’s citizens who congratulated him on Ramadan and his wining in the presidential elections, and affirmed that Hidana rea will witness development in different fields to meet with the needs of the citizens. FR/TNSABA