Saada governor meets committees overseeing ceasefire implementation

SAADA, Feb. 13 (Saba) – Governor of Saada province Taha Abdullah Hajer met here on Saturday with the chairmen and members of the committees overseeing the implementation of the six-term ceasefire deal in the northwest of the country.Hajer affirmed the governorate’s readiness to present full cooperation with the committee to overcome difficulties that could deter the ceasefire implementation, emphasizing the importance of rebels’ obedience to implement the six terms without any breaches or procrastination in order to achieve entire stability and security in the region.It is worth to mention that the committees consist of members of parliament, Shura councils, the General People Congress (GPS) and the Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) was formed by the President Ali Abdullah Saleh announced last Thursday a ceasefire after the Houthi rebel leader accepted the conditions.Saleh’s decision to stop the military operations in the northwest region as of 12:00 am Thursday came based on the decision of the Supreme Defense Council that came after a letter of the rebel leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi in which he announced his acceptance to the conditions and the mechanism to implement them,. The conditions are:- Houthi commitment to ceasefire, eliminating landmines and leaving positions and hideouts. – Rebel withdrawal from all districts in Saada and stopping interference in the local government’s duties. – Returning looted Yemeni and Saudi military and public equipment and properties. – Releasing Yemeni and Saudi captives.- Obeying the law and constitution.- Pledging not to attack Saudi lands.Al-Houthi also agreed on the mechanism to implement the conditions.The formed committees were four as follows:-Committee on Sufyan and Jawf area;-Committee on Almalaheedh area;-Committee on Saada area;-Committee on border with Saudi Arabia.The deal ended a six-year sporadic war between the army and the insurgents that displaced, according to the UN 250,000 people, and in recent months brought in Saudi Arabia after Houthi infiltrators took Saudi lands.AF/AF