Saleh, Bush hold talks in White House

SANA’A, Nov 11 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh and US President George W. Bush held talks in White House in Washington on Thursday.

In the talks, the two leaders discussed aspects of enhancing bilateral relations and fields of the cooperation between the two countries.

They also discussed coordination efforts of the two countries over fighting terror as well as means of improving democracy in the region.

They exchanged viewpoints over the latest developments in the region, especially the ongoing situations in Palestine, Iraq as well as Syria.

President Saleh confirmed importance of the US role in peace process in the region and importance of carrying out road map and international resolutions related to Arab-Israel conflict

He said that establishment of the Palestinian independent state and al-Quds as its capital would realize a fair peace in the region.

Regarding developments in Syria, President Saleh pointed out to the need for direct dialogue between United States and Syria as the last has voiced its positive cooperation with UN resolutions to serve security and stability in the region.

He wished achievement of peace and security in Iraq by participating all Iraqi parties to build a democratic and independent Iraq.

For his part, the US President Bush praised Yemeni-American ties and Yemen’s efforts in fighting terror.

Yemen is active partner in combating terror, he said, expressing interest of United States to enhance partnership with Yemen and supporting democracy and development in it.