Saleh condoles Lebanese counterpart on Fadlallah’s death

SANA’A, July 05 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh sent on Monday a cable of condolences to his Lebanese counterpart President Michel Suleiman.The condolences cable was for the death of one of Shiite Islam’s highest religious authorities in Lebanon Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah.Lebanon’s Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, who was 74, died in a Beirut hospital on Sunday.Fadlallah was born in 1935 in Holy Al Najaf Iraqi city, where his father lived in order to study religion studies. He was taught by the greatest religious authorities like Sayyed Abu Al Kassem Al Khoui, Sayyed Muhsin Al Hakim, and many other religious figures in Holy Najaf.FJ/AF