Saleh in Ankara to promote Yemeni-Turkish relations

SANA’A, Feb. 25 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh headed early Monday for Turkey where he will hold talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul and senior officials on promoting cooperation relations between the two countries. President Saleh said to Saba that his visit comes in response to an invitation from President Gul, noting that he will hold talks with Gul and senior Turkish officials on boosting cooperation ties. ” We will exchange views over the latest developments at the regional and international levels topped by the situations in Iraq, Palestine as well as the issues concerned by Islamic countries and international efforts in the fight against terrorism.” Said President Saleh. President Saleh added the visit would provide a good opportunity to discuss the trade exchange between the two countries and to introduce Turkish businessmen and investors to investment advantages offered by the Yemeni investment law for foreign investors. A high-ranked delegation including Ministers, businessmen and investors is accompanying President Saleh. FR/YA Saba