Saudi official telephones President Saleh

RIYADH, August 31 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Wednesday a telephone call from Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Prince Abdul-Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz on the Eid al-Fitr. The Saudi official expressed his great happiness at the recovery of the President and senior state leaders who were injured in the terrorist attack which targeted them while performing the Friday noon prayer on 03 June at a mosque of the presidency palace in Sana’a. Prince Abdul-Aziz also wished President Saleh good health and happiness and the Yemeni people further development, progress and prosperity, hoping Yemen will overcome the current political crisis so as to maintain its unity, security and stability. For his part, President Saleh expressed thanks and appreciation for the Prince’s good feelings, praising the fraternal and authentic positions of Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud and his government and people towards Yemen. Saba