Suspect charged with arrogating presidential informer stands trial

SANA’A, Nov. 25(Saba)- The Primary Specialized Penal Court commenced, on Saturday, the trial of a suspect of counterfeiting official documents attributed to President Ali Abdullah Saleh and military intelligence. During the court session, presided by judge Najeeb al-Qadiri, the court secretary read out the charges attributed to H.M.H. from 2004 to May 2006 during which he counterfeited a number of high level official documents. The accusations decision pointed out that the 26 year-old defendant forged an official stamp carving on it director of intelligence office, with an alien name, issued letters to a number of groups to interfere with them and arrogated himself with different military ranks. The claim, for his part, made clear that the list of the evidence contains the reasons and documents which the suspect has counterfeited to which he admitted. Moreover, he added that the defendant deceived people in al-Mahabish district, Hajja governorate that he is in the position of an informer of the president and works for the Intelligence and National Security. Therefore, the claim asked the court to sentence the suspect to the toughestlawful and legal penalty since forging crimes are of extreme danger for it shakes people’s trust. The defendant refuted to reply to the charges and confessions attributed to him until he appoints a lawyer to represent him in the coming hearingon December 9. AM/TN SABA