Vice president highlights Canadian efforts in curing cancer

ADEN, Feb. 13 (Saba)- Vice President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi highlighted on Wednesday efforts of the Canadian Nexen Company in Yemen in curing cancer disease cases in the country and the training it supports to Yemeni medical cadre for curing cancer. During his meeting with the Canadian medical team invited by the company for curing cancer cases in Yemen, Hadi expressed happiness for the humanitarian medical efforts presented by the team. The team expressed their appreciation for Hadi’s concern during their work. It dealt with methods must be followed up in curing cancer cases coinciding with necessary fiscal supplies. Then Hadi met with committee in charge of solving lands issue here and other concerned officials who presented a complete review of measures taken for solving a number of issues. In the meeting, Hadi confirmed that the government has great intention to set up big investment projects for creating work opportunities for young people. He also confirmed support and concern of President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Aden governorate, clarifying that local councils have been given wide authorities for solving all issues concerning rights of pensioners. MS/AM Saba