Vice President to attend Damascus Arab summit

SANA’A, March 28 (Saba) – Vice President Abdu Raboo Mansour Hadi leading a high-rank Yemeni delegation, headed on Friday for Syria to take part in the 20th Arab Summit to be started next Saturday in Damascus. Hadi told Saba that the summit would be held in unique circumstances due to the accumulated problems in the Middle East region topped by the aggravating Israeli attacks against Palestinian people, the blockade on the Gaza strip and Israeli refusal to respect the international community’s decisions. “The summit will deal with the situations in Somalia, Iraq and Lebanon as well as tackling several issues concerned by Arabs”, Hadi added. He signaled the Yemeni delegation would efficiently take part in all discussions to be held in the summit without bias. “President Ali Abdullah Saleh could not attend the summit for exceptional and emergency reasons”, Hadi said. The delegation accompanying the Vice President included Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, deputy Interior Minister Saleh al-Zaror, deputy Staff General Ali Saeed Ubaid, the permanent representative of Yemen to the Arab League Abdul-Wali al-Shamiri and Yemen’s ambassador to Syria Salah al-Ansi. FR/YA Saba